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Writer's pictureLena Lux

A rainy Tuesday makes for a productive inside day

Tuesday January 16, 2024

On today’s adventures of building a dream 50 dollars at a time…

So today I have off from my Restaurant job so I get to focus on the business all day, which is fun and also a little overwhelming. It’s raining today, so it’s an indoor day. As I sit here eating our microwaved eggs because we ran out of propane in our RV I’m thinking about what I need to work on next…

Things I need to work on and revisit are..

We want to be social media famous for several reasons, the first one being monetary of course.  Once you get a certain amount of followers, TikTok and YouTube pays you. Also for marketing purposes. With great content will come more customers… which is the goal. So we've been working on redoing our content and reaching out to social media influencers to collaborate and grow.

We are just about all set up for success, we have a storefront, a launch point, insurance, permits, sick inventory… everything we need to run a successful business. Now we just need customers.

I want to promote to hotels and see if I some of them will sign a contract with me. It would be cool to get sustainable income from a larger customer base than to just hope to get random couples here and there. So that’s a work in progress.

Also we need a better launch point. I work at Plantation Resort as the Restaurant Manager and I got permission to use their location as our launch spot but they yesterday the GM of the hotel sent this nasty email to the whole company going back on what he originally said, explaining that I can end my tours there but not launch there. So back to the drawing board which that, plus the hotel is too far from three sisters anyway, so we have a new mission to find a new launch spot.

On another note, yesterday Scotty went to the local gym in town to sign up for a new membership and the lady that worked there was telling him that we might be able to get a small business loan with our EIN number even if we have bad credit. So that’s going to be a work in progress today too.

Today I am thankful for my simple life in my full time RV (even though I’d love to have a couch and walking room again real soon). I’m thankful for our parents and friends and family who help when they can and cheer us on from the sidelines. I’m thankful for Scott working on his mental and physical health and proud of how far he’s come to make our relationship and business successful and I’m thankful for the universe who always sends signs to keep us moving in the right direction.

Thanks for coming to my blog. See you at the Waters Edge. 🤙

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